by | Sep 15, 2021 | Uncategorized
The guy behind me is obviously building something, and he knows he needs a good foundation. Our bodies are the same way. The foundation of your health is your nervous system. If you don’t have a properly functioning nervous system, you’re never going to be...
by | Sep 15, 2021 | Uncategorized
We are here in Asheville at a conference learning how to take care of more people and serve our community better. Travelers’ Rest has so many sick and suffering people, and we are committed to helping change their lives with chiropractic care. I’m Dr. Mike...
by | Sep 15, 2021 | Uncategorized
Squirrels all around me. If you’re like most people all throughout the day, you’re easily distracted and chasing squirrels all day. How is this lack of mental focus and mental clarity? How is it affecting your work, your family, your your business?...
by Foothills Chiropractic | Jun 16, 2021 | Uncategorized
I’m Dr. Mike Geran from Foothills Chiropractic in Travelers Rest, South Carolina. I would like to invite you to come in to meet me one-on-one. We do free consultations at our office. It gives us a chance to just sit down and you and I can have a conversation. We...
by Foothills Chiropractic | Jun 13, 2021 | Uncategorized
I was having a conversation with a new patient the other day, and he said something really profound. He said, “Dr. Mike, I’m getting into my mid 40’s, and as I’m getting older, I feel like it’s time that I start to pursue health. A light...
by Foothills Chiropractic | May 30, 2021 | Uncategorized
I want to share a couple things with you about my office that people really, really love. 1. Come in on the same day! People love that they can get a new patient appointment the same day that they want to come in. There’s lots of places you can go an call them,...