I want to share a couple things with you about my office that people really, really love.

1. Come in on the same day!

People love that they can get a new patient appointment the same day that they want to come in.

There’s lots of places you can go an call them, and they’ll tell you can get in a week from Tuesday….but you want to be seen TODAY!

Here at Foothills Chiropractic, if you call us that day, there’s pretty much a certain chance you can get in the same day to see us.

I don’t feel like you should wait. If you have health problems that you want help with, you shouldn’t have to wait for it.

2. NO appointments!

Once you become an established patient, we give you a calendar. It has our hours on it. As long as you come during our open times, you don’t need an appointment.

The really cool thing is that an office visit typically take five minutes — usually 10 minutes or less. People love being able to just live their lives, and not be tied to an appointment that they have to get to.

People love our office because we are the most efficient office they’ve ever been to. I want to invite you to come check us out at Foothills Chiropractic.