Two Chiropractors Hanging Out

Mike: This is Dr. Greg from Next Level Chiropractic in Duncan and I’m Dr. Mike from Foothills Chiropractic here in Travelers Rest. We drive to each other’s office every week to get adjusted. Greg drove here this morning to get adjusted. Greg, how was your...

Our Aging Patients

I want to share with you an interesting conversation I had with a prospective new patient a couple of weeks ago. I think she’s probably in her early to mid-forties. She said, “I feel like I need to start getting chiropractic care because I look at my...
How Horror Movies Can Help Our Health

How Horror Movies Can Help Our Health

Everyone knows October is horror movie season. I love horror movies, especially the old 1980s slasher flicks, some of the best movies ever made. I want to share with you is a cool tip that relates to horror movies that can actually impact your health and how much and...


I got a new poster in my office. I share this with all of my new patients, and I want to share it with you because it’s huge. It’s a hugely important concept. It says: “SUCCESS. Noun. Doing what you want, when you want, where you want, with who you...