Dr. Mike’s Blog

Why People Love Going to a Membership Chiropractic Office

Define: Membership Chiropractic Office A membership chiropractic office is one that, by design, seeks to make chiropractic care easy and affordable for almost everyone. For a flat monthly fee, a patient can get all their recommended chiropractic care for a set monthly...

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Two Chiropractors Hanging Out

https://youtu.be/_V2Vc7H4f_U Mike: This is Dr. Greg from Next Level Chiropractic in Duncan and I'm Dr. Mike from Foothills Chiropractic here in Travelers Rest. We drive to each other's office every week to get adjusted. Greg drove here this morning to get adjusted....

Our Aging Patients

https://youtu.be/r0NEAaGxVCw I want to share with you an interesting conversation I had with a prospective new patient a couple of weeks ago. I think she's probably in her early to mid-forties. She said, "I feel like I need to start getting chiropractic care because I...

How Horror Movies Can Help Our Health

How Horror Movies Can Help Our Health

https://youtu.be/qvL0foZGjV8 Everyone knows October is horror movie season. I love horror movies, especially the old 1980s slasher flicks, some of the best movies ever made. I want to share with you is a cool tip that relates to horror movies that can actually impact...



I got a new poster in my office. I share this with all of my new patients, and I want to share it with you because it's huge. It's a hugely important concept. It says: "SUCCESS. Noun. Doing what you want, when you want, where you want, with who you want." Now, how...

Improves A Person’s Mood: Attitude Adjustment

Improves A Person’s Mood: Attitude Adjustment

https://youtu.be/DvK2Kr3mZd4 So today is a beautiful day outside, just hanging out. It helps my mood and my attitude being outside, soaking up Mother Nature, soaking up some sunshine. It gets me thinking about chiropractic because that's also one of the benefits of...

Helping People With Health Challenges

Helping People With Health Challenges

https://youtu.be/3o2eZxqry7M We help people do things they love to do again So at my office, Foothills Chiropractic, I think the thing I like most is when we see results with our patients. We see all sorts of conditions, people, issues that they're dealing with and it...

Chiropractors Only Know About The Spine

Chiropractors Only Know About The Spine

https://youtu.be/dEkVGN2ZDTI "So Dr. Mike, chiropractors only know the spine, right?" I say yes and no. Some chiropractors know about things beyond the spine. I've been a chiropractor since 1997, and I've taken care of lots of different patients and lots of different...

The Only Truly Drug Free Path To Health And Wellness

The Only Truly Drug Free Path To Health And Wellness

https://youtu.be/DJR6UlvC7KE I have a question for you; Where does health come from? Where do you get healthy? Does it come from a pill? Does it come from an injection? Does health come from surgery or a prescription bottle? Or does it come from something else? I'll...

The Healing Power Of Nature

The Healing Power Of Nature

https://youtu.be/DBaZ1MeqWTU I want to share with you one of my favorite places. Foothills with the Blue Ridge Mountains. This place is awesome. I love looking at these mountains and it really gives me awe for Mother Nature. The cool thing is that's the same thing...

You Are In Healing Mode

https://youtu.be/vq9DYPhYL-0 We put an inspirational quote up every week at the front door, so as you're leaving, you look at it. What we put up is, "You are now in healing mode." That's the message that I want you to understand when it comes to chiropractic, that...

Your “Go To” Thing For Health

https://youtu.be/Uf36RPO_r14 Dr. Mike: I'm here with my good buddy, Tristan Parmley, and he is going to actually be the one that post this video to all of our sites. He's my go-to guy for all of my social media content. He's the guy that gets it done, so I need him in...

The Nerve System Is The Foundation For Your Health

https://youtu.be/uk26oi6I23k The guy behind me is obviously building something, and he knows he needs a good foundation. Our bodies are the same way. The foundation of your health is your nervous system. If you don't have a properly functioning nervous system, you're...

We Are Committed To Serving Our Community

https://youtu.be/U_nh-07-r5E We are here in Asheville at a conference learning how to take care of more people and serve our community better. Travelers' Rest has so many sick and suffering people, and we are committed to helping change their lives with chiropractic...

Inflammation, A Big Cause Of Pains

https://youtu.be/gMwo8VSpgVA When somebody injures a joint, what are they told to do? They're told to put ice on it to decrease inflammation. When you have pain or inflammation, you don't always have time. It takes 30 minutes or an hour to go through this whole icing...

Adjustments Improve Thinking

https://youtu.be/fxNKuD5Swts Squirrels all around me. If you're like most people all throughout the day, you're easily distracted and chasing squirrels all day. How is this lack of mental focus and mental clarity? How is it affecting your work, your family, your your...

Foothills Chiropractic


(864) 313-4813
