Dr. Mike’s Blog

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The Gut Brain Workshop

"Hi there. This is Doctor Mike Geran from Foothills Chiropractic in Travelers Rest, South Carolina. And I'd like to invite you to come to an...

My Dad

"You know, it's interesting. I think a lot about my dad. He was a Detroit police officer back in the sixties and seventies. The most profound influence in my life without question. And I think about how he treated other people. Whether you were a stranger, or whether...

Free Phone Consultation

Free Phone Consultation

  Hey there, this Doctor Mike Geran from Foothills Chiropractic. If you're having challenges, if you're having struggles, if you're having...

The Foothills Chiropractic Community

The Foothills Chiropractic Community

  Hey there. This is Doctor Mike Geran from Foothills Chiropractic here in Travelers Rest, South Carolina. And I would like to invite you...

The Rest Stop

  Hey there. This is Doctor Mike Geran from Foothills Chiropractic here in Travelers Rest and I would love to invite you to join our private...

You Should Get Adjusted

 Does this sound familiar? "Oh, my back is killing me!" You should get adjusted. "My head is killing me." You should get adjusted. "I can't focus on any--- what is that?" You should get adjusted. "I haven't pooped in a week." You really should get adjusted. The...

I’d Rather Be Good Than Lucky

THE BLOG Dr. Mikes Dad! This past Sunday was St. Patrick’s Day. Growing up Irish, it was always a huge day in our house. It was always my dad’s #1 favorite day of the year. So in honor of St. Patrick’s Day… This blog is about luck. In the sports world, whenever a team...

How’s Your Passion For Life?

THE BLOGA few weeks ago while I was at dinner with my family, I overheard a group of businessmen talking. And they were lamenting the fact that it seemed like every week was the same. They were complaining that life was like the movie “Groundhog Day” and than every...

Systems Never Get Tired

THE BLOGLast Sunday was Super Bowl Sunday. And the Patriots won. I’m honestly neither happy nor sad about them winning. But I find it interesting. I once heard a quote that someone attributed to the Patriots’ coach Bill Belichick. That quote was: “People get tired....

I Have a Dream. Do You?

THE BLOGToday is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. HE had a dream. HE had an amazing vision for the future. What about you? Do YOU have a vision for your future? Do you have a plan for your future health? Watch this video to learn why you absolutely MUST have a vision...

Chiropractic Helps You Breathe Better

THE BLOG The spine coexists intimately with the central nervous system by way of tiny neurons scattered throughout small muscles, ligaments, discs, and joints in and around each spinal segment. Normal motion within each vertebra allows proper communication between the...

Get Energized With Chiropractic!

THE BLOG Everyone wants more energy. Chiropractic helps men, women, and children of all ages improve energy reserves by reducing stress, removing interference from the nervous system, and restoring proper muscle function and hormone balance. Chiropractic patients...

Chiropractic Combats the REAL Cause of Seasonal Allergies

THE BLOG Spring, summer, fall, and winter comprise the seasons of the annual calendar. Millions of people would identify allergy season as the agonizing fifth season of their personal calendars. Seasonal allergies arrive in the form of sleep troubles, itchy eyes,...

Doctor in the Rear-View Mirror

THE BLOG The specialists say you have allergies, asthma, sleep apnea, depression, chronic fatigue, GERD and fibromyalgia. They say you’ll be on a dozen different medications for the rest of your life. But what does the doctor looking back at you in the mirror say? The...

Spring Training

THE BLOGMy good friend Dr. Shawn Dill recently released a podcast to his membership about Spring Training and how it relates to a business, and it got me thinking about how Spring Training also relates to our health. (Dr. Dill's membership site,...

Foothills Chiropractic


(864) 313-4813
